I got a Question from sportyauthor
Hi Sparkle. I'm sportyauthor, one of he followers (member) of fotack. How do u download blogskins? Pls help me.
I get my blog templates or skins at
http://www.pyzam.com/bloggertemplates .
here are the instructions from the website to install a Blogger template using the HTML code.
Easy Blogger Template Instructions:
1. Select all the code in the box below and copy it. (right-click and select copy)
2. Login to your Blogger account and go to Manage "Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard
3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.
4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in. (right-click, paste)
5. Click "Save Template" and you're DONE!
If you want to download a template pyzam doesn't have that feature. But this website does
http://www.bloggerbuster.com/2007/08/blogger-template-downloads.html . It also has instructions how to upload it to your blog.
Hope this helped :)
I added a new website on the sidebar be sure to check it out. I also added a follow this blog widget so if you have a blogger account make sure to follow me.Please Make sure to click the fund free mammograms button to help prevent breast cancer.
Make sure to use the twit this,digg and reddit buttons and add this blog to your technitori favorites.
And lastly whoever thinks it's funny to put my email in the subscribe via email box please stop doing it.