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Jackie Moon is one-hit wonder who used the profits from the success of his chart-topping song "Love Me Sexy" to achieve his dream of owning a basketball team. But Moon's franchise, the Flint Michigan Tropics, is the worst team in the league and in danger of folding when the ABA announces its plans to merge with the NBA. If they want to survive, Jackie and the Tropics must now do the seemingly impossible -- win.
Genres: Comedy and Sports
Release Date: February 29th, 2008 (wide)
New Line Cinema
Stars of the film : Will Ferrall (Jackie),Woody Harrelson (Monix) ,
André Benjamin (Clarence)
Will Ferrall
MySpace Celebrity interviews Will Ferrell for Semi-Pro Add to My Profile | More Videos André BenjaminMySpace Celebrity Q&A with Andre Benjamin Add to My Profile | More Videos reviews by NewsBlaze Equal parts mockudrama and Saturday Night Live 'skits'-ophrenia with lewd tendencies, Semi-Pro pays pretend tribute of sorts to the defunct American Basketball Association during its 1967-76 heyday, before being nearly swallowed whole and corporatized into the NBA. Debut director Kent Alterman, a former small screen scribe for Michael Moore's TV Nation, flexes his spectator sport skills for Semi-Pro, with mixed results. While a knowledge of basketball or the ABA is not a must to get this movie, a strong stomach for gross-out locker room humor is decidedly helpful. Will Ferrell is Jackie Moon in the testosterone-steeped Semi-Pro, the fancy 'fro-sporting owner, coach and over-the-hill beer-gut player on the low rent Flint, Michigan Tropics of the ABA, a team in the process of spiraling into incompetent oblivion. When an entourage of NBA corporate suits and their lawyers show up to terminate the team, Moon frantically gets into a different kind of game plan to save the Tropics by training and wish-fulfillment winning of some upcoming competitions. Among his last chance hopefuls are the rude and unpredictable Monix (Woody Harrelson) and flashy Clarence 'Downtown' Withers (Andre Benjamin). The the point of Semi-Pro seems to be an affectionate if incessantly foul-mouthed off-court defense of the regional, mostly flabby abs homeboy team concept counting all sort of eccentric, nutty and deeply lovable players before sports went commercial and big time with a prioritizing of commercial interests. But these oddly high-minded sentiments tend to get buried under piles of lame gutter humor and really bad etiquette. Read more of the review here by EmanuelLevy.Com If you liked "Talladega Nights" and "Blades of Glory" you will like Will Ferrell's new vehicle, "Semi Pro," an intermittently raucous comedy that repeats (recycles?) basic elements of the funny man's former films. Directed by Kent Alterman, and written by Scot Armstrong (who had penned the remake of "Starsky and Hutch"), "Semi-Pro" concerns a down-and-out basketball team that give the National Basketball Association a run for its money. Like Ferrell's other flicks, it's about dreaming big and playing low, except it's set in the swingin’ and stylin’ 1970s, when the hairdos were huge. Occasionally rowdy but mostly dominated with good-natured laughs and butt-slapping camaraderie, based on the on-screen chemistry between Will Ferrell and Woody Harrelson, "Semi-Pro" is a movie fantasy that should please anyone who has ever had a really big dream, and really really bad hair. Will Ferrell (call me Wilf) plays Jackie Moon, a man who made a fortune when “Baby Who Wants To Love Me Sexy,” a one-hit-wonder he wrote topped the charts. Knowing his talents weren’t in songwriting (he actually stole the song from his mother), Jackie invested his not-so-hard earned cash in his real love--basketball. Jackie is now the owner, coach and star player of The Tropics, a semi-professional basketball team in Flynt, Michigan, which is the same town where Michael Moore based his seminal docu, "Roger and Me". The Tropics are a rag-tag bunch of crazies, like Clarence, who knows more about smoking pot than dribbling, and Bee Bee, who’s better at turning cartwheels than making baskets. Read more of the review here source for plot
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