I have added the Wibiya Toolbar. you can do many things with it. Here are the features of it.
blog search - you can search my blog or google. Just click the little box by the search box and you can change to search either my blog or google.
Translate - Click on the little globe by the word translate to change languages.
recent post - a list of my latest blog posts.
Random - takes you to a random post on my blog
Games - play different games without leaving the page.
RSS feed - Click on the icon to subscribe to my RSS Feed
Share - share blog posts on site like Facebook,Twitter,Digg,Myspace, Technorati,google bookmarks
Facebook Connect - you can join my facebook community and chat.
Twitter Dashboard - You can tweet right from the console, with a shortened URL of the page.
If you don't want to see the toolbar , just click on the down arrow on the end of the toolbar.