On the price of fame: “I used to get so frustrated. For a while, I felt like I was completely lost in celebrity-land. I didn’t know how to handle it. Now I know that I have to plot where I’m going, when I’m going there and where the back entrance is. It’s like I’m playing a giant game of tag.”
On his home life: “My parents really kept us anchored. “I played sports on weekends — baseball, basketball — and when I sucked at those, I started playing golf and ping-pong in the garage. After I lost interest, I started singing. I was always singing to the point where my parents would shout, ‘Shut up, Zac! Enough already!’ I wasn’t a genius like some of my friends who slacked off and got A’s, but I was a hard worker. I always give 100%.”
On his future in show biz: “I’m definitely not the best actor in the world at this point. But hopefully, with time and effort and smart decisions, that will change.”
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