Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Amanda Bynes,Taylor Swift,Fergie and more on Maxim's Hot 100 list

Brittany Snow comes in at 93.

Natasha Bedingfield is number 72.

Taylor Swift is number 57th.

Amanda Bynes comes in at 46th.

Fergie is number 35th.

Shannon Elizabeth is 29th.

Hilary Duff is number 25.

Avril Lavigne is 24th.

Ashlee Simpson is number 18.

Hayden Panettiere comes in at 13th.

Ashley Tisdale is number 10.

to see the full list click here

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rihanna sings S.O.S for the Glow in the Dark Tour video and Z100 radio interview

Rihanna singing S.O.S on May 13

click here to listen to the Z100 radio interview . It's very Interesting :).


Hayden Panettiere on the cover of Teen Vogue's July issue


Here is some of the interview

On raising the awareness of animal rights, especially whales and dolphins: “[Heroes] put me in a place to speak for things that I’m passionate about. When I was younger, I’d always donate to the humane society.”

On her fashion sense: “I have the same sense of style that I did when I was growing up, but now I wear things that I might not have when I was younger, because I’m much more comfortable with my body. I’m definitely a jeans and tee shirt girl. I dress down and comfy whenever I can, which makes dressing up more exciting. I really like to look polished. I love pencil skirts and flirty dresses – but I’m not picky when it comes to designers; I could find something great to wear from French Connection or Gucci. I have a lot of fun dressing up and deciding what kind of look I want to go for depending on the event.”

This issue is on stands May 20.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bloggers Unite for Human Rights

While the words might change from country to country and are sometimes taken for granted, human rights represent one of the universally agreed upon ideas — that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms that include life, liberty, and justice. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations.

Bloggers Unite For Human Rights challenges bloggers everywhere to help elevate human rights by drawing attention to the challenges and successes of human rights issues on May 15. What those topics may include — the wrongful imprisonment of journalists covering assemblies, governments that ignore the plight of citizens, and censorship of the Internet. What is important is that on one day, thousands of bloggers unite and share their unified support of human rights everywhere.

I am blogging about the Human Rights in China.

China currently holds the world record for the largest number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents. One of the most prominent stories includes journalist Shi Tao, who is serving a 10-year sentence in a Chinese prison for sending an email! On May 15, you can do something about it.
Call for the release of Shi Tao and other prisoners in China.

Yahoo! helped put Shi Tao in prison. They provided information to the Chinese Government, which led to his unjust imprisonment. Ask Yahoo! not to vioate human rights by clicking here

for more info on the bloggers unite for human rights click here

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hilary Duff's song for War Inc.

Boom Boom Bang Bang is the song that Hilary’s character Yonica sings in the movie War, Inc. To listen & download it, click HERE!

Hilary Duff on the cover of LA Confidential


Hilary promotes her new politically charged movie, War, Inc., in the latest of Los Angeles Confidential.

In the film, The Hilary plays potty-mouthed Eastern European pop star Yonica Babiak. Here’s what Hil had to say to the mag:

Your character speaks in a ridiculous dialect. Where did that come from? The first time I talked to John, he said, “You know, you have to have an accent.” The character is an Eastern European pop star. I didn’t even know where to begin. But the fun thing is, this place doesn’t even exist. Turaqistan is not a real country. So I played around and mixed a lot of things together! I talked in that accent as much as I could, even to my family and friends!

Did you really drop a live scorpion down your pants in the movie? I really did. It was so scary. I grew up in Texas, and we had plenty of scorpions, but I never had to put one down my pants before. And my pants weren’t that baggy, so I couldn’t get any space. I did it a couple times with it going down my leg and it was terrifying. The little thing kept doing backbends because it obviously didn’t want to go in my pants, you know? Everyone on the set was cheering!

Read the full interviews at

War Inc. opens in limited released on Friday, May 23.


Carrie Underwood on the cover of Watch Magazine


Carrie is on the cover of Watch magazine's June issue. It's an entertainment magazine for CBS. It has coverage on this year's 2008 ACM Awards and they placed Carrie on the cover.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Let's get Nikki Blonsky and Zac Efron nominated for Best Kiss

I got this from

Here is the video

May 08, 2008

Project MTV - Best Kiss presentation (Zac & Nikki )

Ok everyone so here is. Project MTV: A few of us on the Zac &Nikki thread on have been working on a way to catch the attention of MTV. So since they snubbed Zac and Nikki for not nominating them for “Best Kiss” we came up with a grass roots campaign.

We actually started working on this project before the nominations came out but now we are switching it up. So since its going to be hard to get Zac & Nikki added as nominees for “Best Kiss” we are hoping to catch MTV’s attention and get them to have Zac and Nikki present the “Best Kiss” award together. Plus it doesn’t hurt that they starred as an on-screen couple and are both nominated for Breakout Star.

So how are we going to do this? There is our online campaign and our mail-in campaign:Both are VERY important:

First off Kay made an AMAZING video which is here: (please leave a comment for her on her YT page and rate it)

We first are going to contact/comment all the MTV emails/Blogs we could find which are here:

Emails: is a good one)

Blogs/Articles/Sites: (Please sign up at MTV and leave a comment)

Also Bev made a myspace page for the cause:
Make sure you friend and join the myspace page if you are on myspace!

Also we will be sending messages to Zikki fans on FF,YT, FB, MS, LJ and some other forums. So the point is to comment everywhere with Jen’s email below and post Kay’s video to every comment made. Also some of us who make videos will be uploading the video to their accounts so more people can see it. Nonna, Sher, & I are working on some other contacts as well.

So to go along with the video Jen made this amazingly written.(Send this email to every email address given above, and post on every blog given. As many times as possible. Try to get other people you know to email, too. This is not a time for bashfulness! If we want this to happen, we have to try. And not just sort of try. We have to give it everything we've got, and then some! Each of us should send this to every address as many times as possible, and make it a goal to get at least 5 other people to send it in, too!!!!!


The winner of the Best Kiss of 2007… Zac Efron and Nikki Blonsky of Hairspray!

Oh. Right. That won’t happen. The best kiss of the year didn’t get nominated! The fans of Zac and Nikki would like to show you the kiss that SHOULD have won this year!]YouTube - the REAL Best Movie Kiss of 2007 (Zac & Nikki)

The finale kiss of Hairspray is sweet, sexy, and the perfect ending to one of the best and most popular summer movies of 2007. It really should have been nominated for an MTV movie award! The fans are asking for it to be added in as a late entry in the category of Best Kiss.

Zac and Nikki have undeniable chemistry, friendship, and tons of fun together! They were the face of Hairspray around the world. If they aren’t nominated for Best Kiss, then the fans think they would be the perfect pair to present the award! They are both nominated for Breakout Star, and popular and entertaining people. They would both be great additions to your show, and together, they would be a lot of fun to watch! Their kiss on Much Music's MOD program has received 3 and a half million hits! They kissed once on live TV; maybe they would do it again! Also, both Nikki and Zac have new projects and this would be a great opportunity for them to promote them.

We are asking that MTV add the Hairspray finale kiss to the nominations. If that is not possible, we are asking that Zac and Nikki present the Best Kiss award together.

Thank-you very much for your time!



Now for part two. This is more work but I definitely think it will get the message across:

So I’m not sure if anyone heard of the show Jericho but it was canceled last year and their fans got it renewed by mailing thousands of peanuts to the CBS studios. So we are going with this theme and will be sending these items:
1. Hershey kisses (“Best Kiss”), and if you also want to send Baby Ruth’s, and Hairspray cans
2. A letter of what Jen wrote with your name on it sent or your own personal letter trying to get across the same type of message.
3. Also attach a copy of Kay’s video on a DVD so they have another option of viewing the video. Even if you can’t do DVD, then put it as data cd and make a note to play in the computer. Kay will be uploading a downloadable version for us as well.

I found the MTV address for NY and L.A. Please try to mail something to them. We don't know which address is the for the office organizing the show. If at all possible, please send something to BOTH addresses. If you can only send it to one I would go with the California address but we stress the need to mail a package to both. Sending it will really show your dedication and make a statement by doing this. And the more packages they receive, the greater the impact, and the greater the likelihood we will be taken seriously and our goal will be met. Even if you can’t mail something but you are bold enough, even try calling the phone numbers listed below.


2600 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica CA, 90404

Phone Number

1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036


We REALLY need to get a move on since we only have until June 1st. Everyone try to mail something by the end of the week! That means by FRIDAY MAY 10!!!!!

Some other tips: Send emails with using multiple email addresses, make chain letters, get anyone you know who would be willing to do this on-board!!

If we all work together we think we can really make a statement. Especially with Kay’s video, Jen’s letter, our passion and drive for the cause we can make it happen. But we have to work hard and fast starting NOW!!!!! We have to be TEAM ZIKKI!!!!! This is the time for working together, for sticking together, and trying our damnest to make something amazing happen! We have to do everything we can!

Also, don't forget to vote for the best Breakout Star Both Zac and Nikki are nominated in this category.
Choose who you want to vote for, or vote for both. I'm sure that Zac will get a lot of votes, so Nikki really needs the support. Vote every day, as many times as possible! Get other people to vote! This is our chance to make an impact!!!!!!

Taylor Swift at The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Costume Institute Annual Gala



Taylor looks so glamorous!!

What do you think of her dress?

source :

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Brittany Snow at the Young Hollywood Awards and at the Tribeca Film Festival

Brittany at the Young Hollywood Awards



Brittany at the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of Finding Amanda




ACDC challenges Miley Cyrus

ACDC pulled out all the stops this time with cameos by big stars like Lindsay Lohan, Adam Sandler, Chris Brown, Diana Ross, America’s Best Dance Crew winners Jabbawokeez, Robert Hoffman (Step Up 2: The Streets), Adam Shankman (Hairspray director/choreographer), Hairspray stars Elijah Kelley, Brittany Snow and Amanda Bynes as well as So You Think You Can Dance contestants (and real-life couple) Lacey Schwimmer and Hok Konishi.


Carrie Underwood's Last Name music video

The video shows Carrie eloping in Las Vegas after getting liquored up. She wakes up the next morning to discover that she doesn’t even know her last name.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

New Layout!

I got a new layout!How do you like it? I would love to hear your comments.

New Zac Efron 17 Again Photos




here is the link to the other photos

source : just jared